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Guest reviews can feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to feel in control of your brand reputation.
Reva aggregates your reviews into one centralized channel, giving you the visibility and control needed to uncover actionable business insights. From there, it’s easy to track reviews across every property and channel, download trend reports to identify ‘problem properties’, and drive more five-star reviews and booking revenue.
Benefits of using Reva:
  • Consolidate reviews from every channel into one centralized dashboard.
  • Sort, filter, and report across every property, source, group and more. 
  • Collect more 5-star reviews to boost discoverability, view-to-bookings, and occupancy.
  • Seamlessly publish your best reviews to your website for better SEO, more direct bookings, and higher ADRs.
  • Download trend reports to identify your ‘problem properties’, reward your high-performing staff, and better allocate your property care resources.
  • Monitor your reviews over time to stay in complete control of your reputation.

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